Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Independence Day: Peace is Patriotism
Author J. F. Bierlein writes that civic mythology acts as a social glue, holding a country together: “National identity is based on a shared history and shared symbols of a nationhood. The basis of the founding and legitimacy of governments, the civic myths of countries unite their citizens by an acceptance of common symbols.” American civic myth consists of many symbols such as the flag, the Statue of Liberty, the national anthem, bald eagles, our money, and a shared history with former Presidents. Civic myth is a religion. It is sacrilegious, for example, to burn the flag incorrectly or to sit during the nation anthem.
But civic mythology is used to create nationalism and blind obedience. National symbols are indoctrinated in us from our days of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school to being told to rise for the national anthem before games. I am reminded of Nazi Germany, where 70 million superpatriots were brainwashed through nationalism to carry out the vision of a madman. Millions of people died because of allegiances such as ours.
National symbols and patriotism in this country are closely linked to militarism. “The message is clear,” writes Michael Parenti, “patriotism and militarism go together. A flag in one hand, a weapon in the other, that is what makes America great; that is what supposedly makes us free and independent, safe and prosperous.” This is a shame, because this makes it difficult to criticize the Military Industrial Complex.
Instead, let us attribute patriotism with peace. Let us start fighting for real national security that involves assisting people with affordable housing, retirement plans, health insurance, adequate schools, and unemployment relief. And let us remember that America’s greatest qualities--qualities that separate us from the developing world--have not been achieved through victory on the battlefield. The eight hour work day, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, the right to vote for women, and desegregation were won, not with guns and tanks, but through protest and dissent against our own government.
Put away your flags! Peace is Patriotism!
But civic mythology is used to create nationalism and blind obedience. National symbols are indoctrinated in us from our days of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school to being told to rise for the national anthem before games. I am reminded of Nazi Germany, where 70 million superpatriots were brainwashed through nationalism to carry out the vision of a madman. Millions of people died because of allegiances such as ours.
National symbols and patriotism in this country are closely linked to militarism. “The message is clear,” writes Michael Parenti, “patriotism and militarism go together. A flag in one hand, a weapon in the other, that is what makes America great; that is what supposedly makes us free and independent, safe and prosperous.” This is a shame, because this makes it difficult to criticize the Military Industrial Complex.
Instead, let us attribute patriotism with peace. Let us start fighting for real national security that involves assisting people with affordable housing, retirement plans, health insurance, adequate schools, and unemployment relief. And let us remember that America’s greatest qualities--qualities that separate us from the developing world--have not been achieved through victory on the battlefield. The eight hour work day, child labor laws, workplace safety laws, the right to vote for women, and desegregation were won, not with guns and tanks, but through protest and dissent against our own government.
Put away your flags! Peace is Patriotism!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Blackwater, Worldwide
In all, the United States has over 700 military installations throughout the world, and over 310,000 military personnel are stationed in 120 countries. Every branch of the military, along with sixteen intelligence agencies, make up the military industrial cartel, at an extreme price. For 2008, President Bush has requested $600-700 billion, including money for the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is more than the rest of the world combined. Included in war budgets is money for private mercenary armies, such as Blackwater, USA.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Happy Malcolm X Day
We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary. — Malcolm X
Thursday, May 10, 2007
War OF Terror
Victims of war.
Victims of war.
There were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. They were called U.N. sanctions, implemented by the United States. Sanctions that deprived innocent people of medicine, water, electricity, and basic necessities for life. Sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And now there are more Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq--the U.S. military. The people of America have brought a war to Iraq that has killed more then a half million people. This is unacceptable if there is ever going to be peace in the world. As Howard Zinn states, “war now, in our time, in the time of high-level bombing and long-range shelling and death at a distance, inevitably means the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people. " These innocent people are children. War will not kill the enemy, because the enemy is war.
Victims of war.
There were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. They were called U.N. sanctions, implemented by the United States. Sanctions that deprived innocent people of medicine, water, electricity, and basic necessities for life. Sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And now there are more Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq--the U.S. military. The people of America have brought a war to Iraq that has killed more then a half million people. This is unacceptable if there is ever going to be peace in the world. As Howard Zinn states, “war now, in our time, in the time of high-level bombing and long-range shelling and death at a distance, inevitably means the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people. " These innocent people are children. War will not kill the enemy, because the enemy is war.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
The Road I Must Travel
There are several reasons why I am politically active. First, I have read dozens of books about history, government, religion, poverty, and war. I also spend hours reading the news and analyzing world events. I do not claim to be a historian; at best I am a diligent student of history and world events. Yet over the course of my studies I have developed stronger and stronger beliefs, and I have grown less tolerant of war and injustice. And as Howard Zinn reminds us, "you can't be neutral on a moving train."
I believe problems exist in this nation that are inconsistent with American ideals. I am also willing to stand up for these beliefs, whereas most people are not. Malcolm X said, "If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything." This is true for most Americans who are complacent with their way of life and who are apathetic toward anything other than themselves. This allows America to be misled into war time and time again. I, on the other hand, believe that the health of a democracy depends on informed citizens taking action and that each citizen has an individual responsibility to do so, and our right to petition against the government is the best thing we can do. Therefore, I am an outspoken activist. Activist Abbie Hoffman once said, “Democracy is not something you believe in . . . it's something you do.” I truly believe this.
I believe the first step towards making change begins with educating, not only oneself, but others as well. I have worked in the pubic schools for three years, and I am currently an Education Specialist at the Indiana State Museum. Often times oppressed people are not aware that they are oppressed, someone must teach them. For example, during the Antebellum Period, slave masters prevented their slaves from learning how to read in order to keep them passive and to prevent them from reading a map that led to freedom. Many slaves simply did not know what freedom was. Harriet Tubman, a woman who led hundreds of slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad, once said, "If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more." This is why I am an educator.
I believe if a person is not influenced by books or education, then one can be influenced by personal experiences. Historian Terry H. Anderson reminds us that a black person growing up in Alabama in 1960 did not need to read any books to be exposed to discrimination, poverty, and suffering, all he had to do was walk down the street. This type of experience can be extremely motivating to a person to want to change his or her environment. Personally, I have not experienced poverty to this degree, but I have witnessed it while working as a social worker. I provided help for children living without basic needs who had mental health problems, mostly due to their harsh environments. The hardest part was denying assistance to several impoverished children because they did not have health insurance. I have also witnessed extreme poverty on an Indian Reservation. In short, I have seen Americans being oppressed by an endless cycle of poverty, all while public officials siphon money away from human services and while billionaires profit from war.
Ultimately, I am politically active because I possess enthusiastic beliefs and meaningful convictions. I believe humanity should reconsider its perception of war. Humans have made progress towards eliminating totalitarianism, theocracy, and slavery, but we have made no moral progress towards eliminating war. Yet, war has made unsurmountable progress towards eliminating us. We have to start treating war differently, especially in our time. Howard Zinn states, “war now, in our time, in the time of high-level bombing and long-range shelling and death at a distance, inevitably means the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people, and therefore cannot be accepted as a way of solving problems.” In other words, war is far too dangerous, in terms of technology and global consequences, to keep treating it like we have throughout all of history. H. G. Wells was right when he said, “If we don't end war, war will end us.”
I do not see myself as a patriot, at least not as it is defined by the United Sates. Patriotism in this country is always associated with war. Why? Well, because, as international peace activist Cindy Sheehan wrote, “all through school we are taught that somehow our leaders are always right and have our interests at heart when they wave a flag and convince us to hate fellow human beings who stand in the way of their making immense profit from war.” I am extremely glad I got through eighteen years of institutionalized education without believing this. I was taught that Christopher Columbus discover the New World; that the Constitution included everyone; that Manifest Destiny was put forth to spread freedom and democracy to “uncivilized” people; that Lincoln freed the slaves; that nuclear weapons had to be used on Japan; and that it is unpatriotic to question our leaders. I was brainwashed for eighteen year! Nevertheless, I do not posses false ideas of patriotism; because, as Mark Twain suggests, I never let school interfere my education.
Instead, I believe in the equal treatment of all human beings, not just Americans. I believe it is important to stand up for all people of the world, and to stand up against every war. It takes a considerable amount of integrity to speak out when others are not. Current polls suggest most people are against the Iraq War and the current state of affairs, yet only a minority are passionate enough to do something. Again, Mark Twain was correct when he said that Americans have three precious things: “freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.” This is unfortunate, because the health of a democracy depends on informed citizens taking action, and our right to petition against the government is the best thing we can do. This is exactly what I am doing. I try to educate people, agitate policy makers, and motivate others to march with me. The road is long, but it can be done.
The End I Cannot See
Summer 2004 - I joined the Lafayette Area Peace Coalition (LAPC) in protest to America’s interventionist foreign policy. I also joined an organization called Change 2004. It was a coalition of organizations in the Lafayette area that came together to campaign for the 2004 election. I passed out flyers, tabled at dozens of community events, including county fair, the Jazz festival, the Taste of Tippecanoe, and outside of Plan Parenthood. This was all in an attempt to spread information about the election, spread anti-war material, and to gain support for candidates in the election. Change 2004 registered 10% of all new registered voters in Tippecanoe county. We supported Indiana Representative for District 26 Democrat Joe Micon. He won by 640 votes.
Aug. 2004 - I met John Kerry in Las Vegas. Pic.
Aug. 2004 - Began working in the public schools in special education departments.
Fall 2004 - I continued to campaign for progressive candidates and register voters weekly. I helped comply lists and made several dozens calls to newly register voters.
Nov. 2004 - I voted. I had met every candidate I voted for.
Spring 2005 - I continued to be an active member of the LAPC and Change 2004, which was renamed Progressive Alliance of Greater Lafayette (PAGL).
March 2005 - I attended the Midwest Peace Summit in Indianapolis. I met author Michael Parenti, attended various workshops, and heard progressive thinkers discuss current issues around the world. It felt like being part of a teach-in.
March 2005 - I attended a anti-war rally in Indianapolis marking the 2 year anniversary of the war in Iraq. It was part of the world wide protest of the war. Pic
April 2005 - I attended Homeward Bound, a 5k walk for the homeless in Lafayette. I pledged money and altogether the walk generated nearly $50,000 for homeless.
July 2005 - I began working at Wabash Valley Hospital as a child and adolescent case manager. I provided direct assistance to impoverish children with mental health issues within a school and helped them gain access to community services.
Summer 2005 - I continued to be an active member of the LAPC and PAGL. I also joined Lafayette’s branch of Democracy for America (DFA). I was also part of several subcommittees for these organizations, including the coordinating committee and Alternatives to Military Recruiting for PAGL, and I was the Garage Sale Coordinator for DFA. I was extremely active in the community: I tabled all time, passing our flyers at the movie theaters, the Farmers Market, and several community events; I attended various candle light vigils; helped create flyers; attended Drinking Liberally weekly; and I helped raise money for Katrina victims and to bring Iraqi artist Wafaa Bilal to Lafayette.
September 2005 - I was the garage sale coordinator for Lafayette’s branch of Democracy for America. I organized volunteers, tables, items and posted signs. The sale generated $350 for the 2006 election.
September 2005 - I marched on Washington with hundreds of thousands of people. Pics

March 2006 - I attended the 2nd annual Midwest Peace Summit in Indianapolis. I met Ann Wright and heard her speak twice.
May 2006 - I voted in the Primary. I have met and campaigned for everyone I voted for.
May 2006 - Moved to Indianapolis where I am less active then I would like to be; however, I try to be active in my career as an educator. I also try to raise conciseness of everyone I come in contact with through conversation. I pass on knowledge by making points about war and injustice, and I make suggestions regarding a good book or good website.
Nov. 2006 - Voted in the Midterm.
Jan. 2007 - Another massive march in Washington D.C. for peace and justice. Pics

April 2007 - Attend 3rd Annual Midwest Peace Summit with my family in Indianapolis. There were several organizations from the state advocating peace and social justice. It was filled with music, food, art, tabling, and a wide variety of workshops and speakers. I met international peace activist Cindy Sheehan and the former chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, James Yee.
December 2007 - I relocated to Chicago to work at the Museum of Science and Industry. I continue to be active through my career as an educator, and I plan to be get involved in the great city of Chicago, the birth place of working-class politics in America.
Jan 2008 - Heard civil rights activist Angela Davis speak in Chicago.
March 2008 - I attended a rally and march in downtown Chicago to mark the 5th year anniversary of the occupation of Iraq.

April 2008 - Saw Hillary Clinton speak on the campaign trail in Valparaiso, Indiana. I asked her to hold private military companies accountable for their actions.

April 2008 - Met Ralph Nader and heard him speak in Chicago.
May 2008 - Saw the "Justice Tour" with the Nightwatchman and Ben Harper.
September 2008 - Saw Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzales speak on the campaign trail.
Oct. 2008 - Saw Barack Obama speak on the campaign trail in Indiana
Nov. 2008 - Voted in a truly historic election.
I believe problems exist in this nation that are inconsistent with American ideals. I am also willing to stand up for these beliefs, whereas most people are not. Malcolm X said, "If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything." This is true for most Americans who are complacent with their way of life and who are apathetic toward anything other than themselves. This allows America to be misled into war time and time again. I, on the other hand, believe that the health of a democracy depends on informed citizens taking action and that each citizen has an individual responsibility to do so, and our right to petition against the government is the best thing we can do. Therefore, I am an outspoken activist. Activist Abbie Hoffman once said, “Democracy is not something you believe in . . . it's something you do.” I truly believe this.
I believe the first step towards making change begins with educating, not only oneself, but others as well. I have worked in the pubic schools for three years, and I am currently an Education Specialist at the Indiana State Museum. Often times oppressed people are not aware that they are oppressed, someone must teach them. For example, during the Antebellum Period, slave masters prevented their slaves from learning how to read in order to keep them passive and to prevent them from reading a map that led to freedom. Many slaves simply did not know what freedom was. Harriet Tubman, a woman who led hundreds of slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad, once said, "If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more." This is why I am an educator.
I believe if a person is not influenced by books or education, then one can be influenced by personal experiences. Historian Terry H. Anderson reminds us that a black person growing up in Alabama in 1960 did not need to read any books to be exposed to discrimination, poverty, and suffering, all he had to do was walk down the street. This type of experience can be extremely motivating to a person to want to change his or her environment. Personally, I have not experienced poverty to this degree, but I have witnessed it while working as a social worker. I provided help for children living without basic needs who had mental health problems, mostly due to their harsh environments. The hardest part was denying assistance to several impoverished children because they did not have health insurance. I have also witnessed extreme poverty on an Indian Reservation. In short, I have seen Americans being oppressed by an endless cycle of poverty, all while public officials siphon money away from human services and while billionaires profit from war.
Ultimately, I am politically active because I possess enthusiastic beliefs and meaningful convictions. I believe humanity should reconsider its perception of war. Humans have made progress towards eliminating totalitarianism, theocracy, and slavery, but we have made no moral progress towards eliminating war. Yet, war has made unsurmountable progress towards eliminating us. We have to start treating war differently, especially in our time. Howard Zinn states, “war now, in our time, in the time of high-level bombing and long-range shelling and death at a distance, inevitably means the indiscriminate killing of huge numbers of people, and therefore cannot be accepted as a way of solving problems.” In other words, war is far too dangerous, in terms of technology and global consequences, to keep treating it like we have throughout all of history. H. G. Wells was right when he said, “If we don't end war, war will end us.”
I do not see myself as a patriot, at least not as it is defined by the United Sates. Patriotism in this country is always associated with war. Why? Well, because, as international peace activist Cindy Sheehan wrote, “all through school we are taught that somehow our leaders are always right and have our interests at heart when they wave a flag and convince us to hate fellow human beings who stand in the way of their making immense profit from war.” I am extremely glad I got through eighteen years of institutionalized education without believing this. I was taught that Christopher Columbus discover the New World; that the Constitution included everyone; that Manifest Destiny was put forth to spread freedom and democracy to “uncivilized” people; that Lincoln freed the slaves; that nuclear weapons had to be used on Japan; and that it is unpatriotic to question our leaders. I was brainwashed for eighteen year! Nevertheless, I do not posses false ideas of patriotism; because, as Mark Twain suggests, I never let school interfere my education.
Instead, I believe in the equal treatment of all human beings, not just Americans. I believe it is important to stand up for all people of the world, and to stand up against every war. It takes a considerable amount of integrity to speak out when others are not. Current polls suggest most people are against the Iraq War and the current state of affairs, yet only a minority are passionate enough to do something. Again, Mark Twain was correct when he said that Americans have three precious things: “freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.” This is unfortunate, because the health of a democracy depends on informed citizens taking action, and our right to petition against the government is the best thing we can do. This is exactly what I am doing. I try to educate people, agitate policy makers, and motivate others to march with me. The road is long, but it can be done.
The End I Cannot See
Summer 2004 - I joined the Lafayette Area Peace Coalition (LAPC) in protest to America’s interventionist foreign policy. I also joined an organization called Change 2004. It was a coalition of organizations in the Lafayette area that came together to campaign for the 2004 election. I passed out flyers, tabled at dozens of community events, including county fair, the Jazz festival, the Taste of Tippecanoe, and outside of Plan Parenthood. This was all in an attempt to spread information about the election, spread anti-war material, and to gain support for candidates in the election. Change 2004 registered 10% of all new registered voters in Tippecanoe county. We supported Indiana Representative for District 26 Democrat Joe Micon. He won by 640 votes.
Aug. 2004 - I met John Kerry in Las Vegas. Pic.

Fall 2004 - I continued to campaign for progressive candidates and register voters weekly. I helped comply lists and made several dozens calls to newly register voters.
Nov. 2004 - I voted. I had met every candidate I voted for.
Spring 2005 - I continued to be an active member of the LAPC and Change 2004, which was renamed Progressive Alliance of Greater Lafayette (PAGL).
March 2005 - I attended the Midwest Peace Summit in Indianapolis. I met author Michael Parenti, attended various workshops, and heard progressive thinkers discuss current issues around the world. It felt like being part of a teach-in.
March 2005 - I attended a anti-war rally in Indianapolis marking the 2 year anniversary of the war in Iraq. It was part of the world wide protest of the war. Pic

July 2005 - I began working at Wabash Valley Hospital as a child and adolescent case manager. I provided direct assistance to impoverish children with mental health issues within a school and helped them gain access to community services.
Summer 2005 - I continued to be an active member of the LAPC and PAGL. I also joined Lafayette’s branch of Democracy for America (DFA). I was also part of several subcommittees for these organizations, including the coordinating committee and Alternatives to Military Recruiting for PAGL, and I was the Garage Sale Coordinator for DFA. I was extremely active in the community: I tabled all time, passing our flyers at the movie theaters, the Farmers Market, and several community events; I attended various candle light vigils; helped create flyers; attended Drinking Liberally weekly; and I helped raise money for Katrina victims and to bring Iraqi artist Wafaa Bilal to Lafayette.
September 2005 - I was the garage sale coordinator for Lafayette’s branch of Democracy for America. I organized volunteers, tables, items and posted signs. The sale generated $350 for the 2006 election.
September 2005 - I marched on Washington with hundreds of thousands of people. Pics

May 2006 - I voted in the Primary. I have met and campaigned for everyone I voted for.
May 2006 - Moved to Indianapolis where I am less active then I would like to be; however, I try to be active in my career as an educator. I also try to raise conciseness of everyone I come in contact with through conversation. I pass on knowledge by making points about war and injustice, and I make suggestions regarding a good book or good website.
Nov. 2006 - Voted in the Midterm.
Jan. 2007 - Another massive march in Washington D.C. for peace and justice. Pics

April 2007 - Attend 3rd Annual Midwest Peace Summit with my family in Indianapolis. There were several organizations from the state advocating peace and social justice. It was filled with music, food, art, tabling, and a wide variety of workshops and speakers. I met international peace activist Cindy Sheehan and the former chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, James Yee.
December 2007 - I relocated to Chicago to work at the Museum of Science and Industry. I continue to be active through my career as an educator, and I plan to be get involved in the great city of Chicago, the birth place of working-class politics in America.
Jan 2008 - Heard civil rights activist Angela Davis speak in Chicago.
March 2008 - I attended a rally and march in downtown Chicago to mark the 5th year anniversary of the occupation of Iraq.

April 2008 - Saw Hillary Clinton speak on the campaign trail in Valparaiso, Indiana. I asked her to hold private military companies accountable for their actions.

April 2008 - Met Ralph Nader and heard him speak in Chicago.
May 2008 - Saw the "Justice Tour" with the Nightwatchman and Ben Harper.
September 2008 - Saw Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzales speak on the campaign trail.
Oct. 2008 - Saw Barack Obama speak on the campaign trail in Indiana
Nov. 2008 - Voted in a truly historic election.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Peace Summit 2007
I attended the 3rd annual Midwest Peace Summit with my family. This year’s summit was once again a success. There were several organizations from the state advocating peace and social justice. It was filled with music, food, art, tabling, and a wide variety of workshops and speakers.

Keynote speaker Cindy Sheehan was sensational. She delivered a passionate speech about the death of her son and her experience as an international peace activist. She became very emotional when telling the crowd that she wishes her son did not die in vain fighting an illegal war for criminals in the White House. She stated that peace and love, rather hate, is the answer. She said, “I do not hate George W. Bush, because hate only hurts the hater.” She went on to say that Bush and all his cronies should be impeached and tried for war crimes against humanity.

James Yee, former chaplain at Guantanamo Bay, spoke out against human rights abuses taking place in the Cuban prison by sharing stories about the torture and beatings he witnessed. He described his experience trying to work for religious freedom for detainees. He also spoke about his experience being arrested, imprisoned, and falsely accused of working as a terrorist under the Patriot Act.
I was disappointed at the low attendance at this year’s summit. It is a shame that Indianapolis, a major metropolitan area, can only draw 200-300 people to see an international peace activist speak. This is, however, not entirely surprising considering how conservative and backwards Indiana has always been. Indiana is the northernmost southern state. The apathy Hoosiers show, however, is by no means a reflection of the size and strength of the antiwar movement, nor is it a refection of the overall mood of the rest of the country. In fact, the majority of the country opposes George’s War of Terror, and nonviolent direct action is increasing. Only in places such as Indiana do you find such apathy and complacency.
Keynote speaker Cindy Sheehan was sensational. She delivered a passionate speech about the death of her son and her experience as an international peace activist. She became very emotional when telling the crowd that she wishes her son did not die in vain fighting an illegal war for criminals in the White House. She stated that peace and love, rather hate, is the answer. She said, “I do not hate George W. Bush, because hate only hurts the hater.” She went on to say that Bush and all his cronies should be impeached and tried for war crimes against humanity.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Never shall I forget that night,
the first night in the camp
which has turned my life into one long night,
seven times cursed and seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the little faces of the children
whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke
beneath a silent blue sky.
Never shall I forget those flames
which consumed my faith for ever.
Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence
which deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments
which murdered my God and my soul
and turned my dreams into dust.
Never shall I forget these things,
even if I am condemned to live
as long as God Himself.
Elie Wiesel
the first night in the camp
which has turned my life into one long night,
seven times cursed and seven times sealed.
Never shall I forget that smoke.
Never shall I forget the little faces of the children
whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke
beneath a silent blue sky.
Never shall I forget those flames
which consumed my faith for ever.
Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence
which deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.
Never shall I forget those moments
which murdered my God and my soul
and turned my dreams into dust.
Never shall I forget these things,
even if I am condemned to live
as long as God Himself.
Elie Wiesel
Never let school interfere with your education. Here is the list of books I have read since receiving an institutionalized education:
Parallel Myths
The Way of Alexander the Great
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Dude Where's My Country
The Best War Ever
Against All Enemies
Slaughter House Five
Utes: The Mountain People
A People's History of the U.S.
The Legacy of Conquest
History of the American West
Nation of Nations
America: A Concise History
The Runaway Jury
The Summons
King of Torts
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
LOTR and Philosophy
The Good Old Days
Drawn with the Sword
What They Fought For
The Way of King Arthur
Legends, Lies, Myths of Amer. History
Don’t Know Much About History
A History of Knowledge
Alexander the Great
The Way of the Crusades
Malcolm X Speaks
The Last Juror
The Partner
A Time to Kill
The Da Vinci Code
The Fellowship of the Ring
Comparative Religion:
When Religion is Evil
The Power of Myth
Alexander the Great, Journey to the End of the Earth
A Short History of Progress
The Cold War, A New History
Against Empire
The Movement and the Sixties
The Two Towers
Inca Gold
Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
The Children of Men
Comparative Religion:
Rituals for Life
A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
The Culture Struggle
Don't Know Much About History
Don't Know Much About the Universe
Peace Mom
Orginal Zinn
Johnny Got His Gun
Peoples and Empires
Don't know Much About Geography
Passionate Declarations
Animal Farm
The Firm
Angels and Demons
Playing for Pizza
Folly of Empire
A People's History of American Empire
The Post-American World
Parallel Myths
The Way of Alexander the Great
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Dude Where's My Country
The Best War Ever
Against All Enemies
Slaughter House Five
Utes: The Mountain People
A People's History of the U.S.
The Legacy of Conquest
History of the American West
Nation of Nations
America: A Concise History
The Runaway Jury
The Summons
King of Torts
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
LOTR and Philosophy
The Good Old Days
Drawn with the Sword
What They Fought For
The Way of King Arthur
Legends, Lies, Myths of Amer. History
Don’t Know Much About History
A History of Knowledge
Alexander the Great
The Way of the Crusades
Malcolm X Speaks
The Last Juror
The Partner
A Time to Kill
The Da Vinci Code
The Fellowship of the Ring
Comparative Religion:
When Religion is Evil
The Power of Myth
Alexander the Great, Journey to the End of the Earth
A Short History of Progress
The Cold War, A New History
Against Empire
The Movement and the Sixties
The Two Towers
Inca Gold
Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
The Children of Men
Comparative Religion:
Rituals for Life
A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
The Culture Struggle
Don't Know Much About History
Don't Know Much About the Universe
Peace Mom
Orginal Zinn
Johnny Got His Gun
Peoples and Empires
Don't know Much About Geography
Passionate Declarations
Animal Farm
The Firm
Angels and Demons
Playing for Pizza
Folly of Empire
A People's History of American Empire
The Post-American World
Monday, March 05, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
A Power
"When we organize with one another, when we get involved, when we stand up and speak out together, we can create a power no government can suppress." -Howard Zinn
I recommend Howard Zinn's newest book, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.
I recommend Howard Zinn's newest book, A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Cultural Revolution
Change will occur in America if there is a revolution. A violent revolution would fail because Americans live in a repressive system that would use military force to protect itself, and even if it was successful it would not guarantee a change for the better. What America needs is a slow, peaceful revolution. A revolution that changes the way society thinks and acts, the way we live, and the things we value. America needs a Cultural Revolution.
We Value the Wrong Things
Americans value the wrong things. First, America values a large economy. We think we have to join the rat-race, the endless pursuit of wealth through work, to find happiness. This is why millions and millions of people suffer from depression and mental health problems. The polls suggest that Americans are no more happier now than 80 years ago when the economy was smaller and spending power was less.
Secondly, Americans value technology too much. We are too reliant on technology to ensure our survival, and we are overconfident that more technology will better society and somehow create a utopia. Sure, technology has made improvements in many areas. However, with each new solution more problems are created; more problems create the need for more solutions through technology, and each time the negative consequences grow steeper. Sure technology has made advancements in medicine and increasing our life expectancy, but the human body did not evolve to live 90 years. Our bodies have 3.5 million plus years of experience as a doctor; the human body can cure and prevent more diseases then any doctor ever will, yet we are obsessed with altering our appearance and living forever through technology. Have you ever been to a nursing home? Frankenstein is not science fiction anymore! Yes, it has increased our quantity of life, but it has decreased our quality of life. We can thank technology for allergies, asthma, cancer, depression, and weapons of mass destruction. We can also thank technology for global warming in which the United States in a major contributor–we are responsible for twenty percent of the world’s CO2 emittance. America’s obesity problem is partly due to technology--136 million Americans are overweight, and one third of all American children and teens are overweight. This is partly because we merely walk from our cars to our computers to the couch to watch television–a new study shows that children spend 6.5 hours a day using electronics. Consequently, we have no practical reason for our body; it does not directly relate to our survival anymore. In addition, we have made no moral progress toward defining new technologies. Our debates over technologies that abort babies, deliver nuclear bombs, and clone humans are endless, yet we continue to build these machines.
The Way We Think
Americans need to change the way they think. We need to change the way we think about happiness. We are socialized by corporations to believe we need expensive name brand products, lots of technology, and a large economy to be happy. Therefore, we join the rat-race to make as much money as possible, thinking we are in the pursuit of happiness, but we are not. Rather than living moderately, we work, consume, waste, and spend money on popular culture and technology. We will do anything to live forever with computers, cell phones, stock options, a trim waistline, and the nicest car on the block. Americans view these things, not as wants and desires, but as necessities that ensure our survival.
We also need to rethink our views regarding democracy and freedom. We claim to spread Democracy to the Middle East and elsewhere, yet we do not even practice it here. Too many people are passive obedient, and very few people question authority or engage in political dissent. This is clear by the fact that more people vote for American Idol than they do for the President. Most people are locked in their homes watching mindless reality TV. Mean while, they claim to live in the most democratic nation in the world. This is hypocrisy not democracy.
The Way We Act
We need to change the way we act. We have the most violent and militaristic culture in the world, and we really seem to hate each other. We have the highest murder rate, most hand guns, and most violent crimes in the world. And people seem to be apathetic toward the poverty and suffering of others, choosing instead to profit from the poverty and war. We live in the richest country in the world, yet eighteen percent of American children are impoverished. All together, 37 million Americans live in poverty, 45 million Americans do not have healthcare, and 13 million hard-working Americans make $5.15 an hour, all while affluent people in the suburbs do little to help. Instead they blame the poor for society’s problems and seek authoritarian solutions.
To protect us from our militaristic culture, the government uses authoritarian methods to enforce millions of laws through martial law. The United States and Japan are the only two developed countries that use capital punishment, and America is home to 22% of the world’s prison population; yet America constitutes only 0.05% of the world’s total population. Unfortunately, the American people seem to support state sanctioned violence--strict rules, regulations, surveillance, and social control–as long as the large economy is maintained. Ultimately, people are complacent towards crime, violence, and poverty, as long as they are safe and secure in their homes; Americans would rather enjoy technology, a large economy, and security, rather then freedom.
The way we act is also destroying the world. Our corporations use cutthroat competition as an excuse to exploit other people and the environment. We keep impoverished countries poor forever through the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, free trade agreements, and our interventionist foreign policy bullies our economic and political agenda around the world; in short, our government preserves our large economy through multinational corporations, globalization, and military occupation. We spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined. We have enough Weapons of Mass Destruction to destroy the world five times, and there are thousands of U.S. military installations and personnel around the world. American hawks ignore peace treaties, break Geneva Convention rules, and dismiss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by torturing others and engaging in state sponsored terrorism (see Guantanamo Bay and the School of Americas).
How will a Cultural Revolution Happen?
I do not advocate a violent revolution because I am a passivist, and I do not believe in war. I do, however, advocate a Cultural Revolution that would completely overthrow the American system. How will a Cultural Revolution happen? We first need to reform the institutions that create our values. There is a massive conservative infrastructure consisting of schools, corporations, churches, and the government that currently produce poor values:
1.) Schools - Schools teach our children that “all men are created equal” in their ability to consume and waste; that figures of authority never lie; and they discourage free thinking and critical thinking. Ultimately, schools are run like assembly lines, mass producing mindless clones for future generations. Sure, people value education, but for the wrong reasons. Many go to graduate school, not because they enjoy learning, but because they hope to increase their future spending power. The process of learning would be less painful if it was shifted away from financial goals toward learning goals. Maybe then we can start making some moral progress toward a better future.
2.) Corporations - Through commercials and advertisements, corporations socialize Americans to believe happiness is defined by wealth. They use fear to sell their products by saying we can not possibly be happy unless we have the newest gadget or the best cosmetics. So we spend our lives in pursuit of things we do not actually need. We have developed a culture based on corporate greed, rather than tradition and necessity.
Author Michael Parenti wrote, “A large part of our culture is now mass-marketed product, aptly designated as “mass culture,” “popular culture,” “media culture,”and even “mass-mediated culture.” This mass-media culture is owned and operated mostly by giant corporations whose major concerns are (a) to accumulate earnings and (b) to make the world safe for the overall corporate profit system. The result is a society organized around exchange value rather than use value, centralized social control rather the communal creativity.
He goes on to write, “Much of mass-marketed culture distracts us from thinking too much about the larger realities.” In other words, it is easier to be entertained than be informed; Americans are dumb and numb, because of sporting events, realty TV, sitcoms, celebrity news, media personalities, fads, and fashion styles. This culture is not a product of the free market either, corporations are not merely reacting to demand. Instead, it is based on the notion that supply creates demand.
3.) Churches - Churches and organized religion are responsible for keeping America conservative and unwilling to accept change even when our world is forever changing by new thinking and new technologies. Churches teach conformity, consensus, homophobia, xenophobia, and they use fear to teach us that every natural impulse in our body is wrong. They also teach about domestication and the domination of plants, animals, and people. And during elections, they allow politicians to divert what is really important to less important social issues, such as abortion, sexuality, and stem cell research.
4.) Government - The government’s role is to maintain what makes Americans happy: a large economy. The American government uses interventionist foreign policy, authoritarian solutions, surveillance, strict law enforcement, etc., to provide America with security and a steady flow of resources from abroad. The government also uses social control through propaganda, corporate media outlets, fear, schools, and churches to create blind obedience and nationalism, so it can carry out the goal of maintaining a large economy.
I do not mean to generalize all Americans as having these values because certainly not all Americas do. But by participating in society, one unwillingly participates in the above fore mentioned: corporate profit, exploitation of people and natural resources, the reliance of technology, work, debt spending, consumption, waste, popular culture, privilege acceptance, apathy, compliancy, conformity, hypocrisy, fear, rules, regulations, social control, xenophobia, homophobia, global military occupation, war, terrorism, global warming, authoritarianism, less freedom, less democracy, more crime, more laws, and more prisons. Not all Americans directly values these things, but these are the seen as “necessary evils” that bring us what we ultimately want: a large economy and lots of technology.
American culture is no longer based on values, tradition, and necessity; instead, it is based on monetary wealth. A Cultural Revolution would tear down the current definition of happiness and replace it with something much more sane. A Cultural Revolution would emphasize freedom, family, vacation, education, health, and participatory democracy. It would call for an end to the destruction of the environment, and people would value helping others who are less fortunate. Happiness would be non-monetary and nontaxable. It would be peacefully obtained.
Is there hope?
No. To illustrate this I will reflect on the small cultural revolution in the late 1960's and early 1970's. After years of failed protests and demonstrations against the American system, people took two different approaches: 1.) A few people embraced a cultural revolution and said, “Well, if we can’t change the world, we’ll change our world.” They redefined happiness, not as something with monetary value, but as something abstract. They changed their life styles and advocated environmental protection. History has been used as propaganda to lead us to believe that hippies only cared about sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll. This is hardly the case. They engaged in a cultural revolution that had political intentions. 2.) Others grew impatient with a slow change, so they moved toward radicalism and militancy by joining empowering movements that endorsed self-defense. They carried guns into courthouses and there were hundreds of riots.
However, most Americans saw political and cultural dissent as sinful, and the government was too powerful to let anything undermine its ability to rule. It responded to both of these movements with assassination, "dirty tricks”, censorship, and "extreme governmental misconduct" through CONINTELPRO. The government also suppressed movements through a drug war on crack cocaine in the 1980's. The cultural revolution did not bring change to the American way of life.
Have no doubt, we live in an even more repressive system today. The government can legally suppress grassroot movement with intimidation and surveillance through the Patriot Act, and it can discredit and smear movements with propaganda through its corporate media outlets. The government also has many means of social control through blind obedience and nationalism, created by the conservative infrastructure. Addicting television shows and numbing technologies are also tools of social control that keep people mindless, disorganized, and less willing to change their culture.
There is little hope a cultural revolution will happen any time soon. People are afraid of change and they will do anything to protect the status quo. The events on 9/11, for example, only created a massive backlash, causing Americans, not to change their life style, but to want more war to secure our privileged life style and more rules and regulations to keep us safe. Our solution was not to ask tough questions and change our life style; it was just the opposite. The President told us to keep shopping and consuming in order to maintain our large economy, and we went forward with more war and violence at home and around the world; more of the same reasons that got us here in the first place.
Forget it!
I am not a sociologist, but I do see that many problems in this country exist because of American culture. We could change our culture by simply redefining happiness. We should stop valuing monetary wealth and technology. Instead, we should appreciate family, vacation, leisure time, education, and democracy. We can pursue these values peacefully, without bringing suffering and poverty to others and without destroying the environment. Currently, America reminds me of Mordor from the Lord of the Rings, dark and deadly. If we lived more moderately we could turn America into the Shire, a place of peace and serenity. In order to do this, we have to model our culture after Hobbit Culture.
Hobbits dislike complex machines, they have little government, and they live moderately, in harmony with the earth. They take pleasure in simple, abundant things that are easily obtained--stories, coffee, books, shire weed, hot baths, beer, parties, and sunsets. They are a little fat, but that is from all their leisure time and enjoyment they find in life. They busy themselves with working around the house, gardening, and spending time with family. Hobbits are simple people who live in their small part of the world. They have no need for war or weapons of mass destruction, because they have no enemies. They do not work all day, and they do not profit from the suffering of others. Hobbits are happy people because they do not worship wealth, technology, and power. A life spent in the pursuit of these things will turn you into Gollum, slimy and lonely.
We Value the Wrong Things
Americans value the wrong things. First, America values a large economy. We think we have to join the rat-race, the endless pursuit of wealth through work, to find happiness. This is why millions and millions of people suffer from depression and mental health problems. The polls suggest that Americans are no more happier now than 80 years ago when the economy was smaller and spending power was less.
Secondly, Americans value technology too much. We are too reliant on technology to ensure our survival, and we are overconfident that more technology will better society and somehow create a utopia. Sure, technology has made improvements in many areas. However, with each new solution more problems are created; more problems create the need for more solutions through technology, and each time the negative consequences grow steeper. Sure technology has made advancements in medicine and increasing our life expectancy, but the human body did not evolve to live 90 years. Our bodies have 3.5 million plus years of experience as a doctor; the human body can cure and prevent more diseases then any doctor ever will, yet we are obsessed with altering our appearance and living forever through technology. Have you ever been to a nursing home? Frankenstein is not science fiction anymore! Yes, it has increased our quantity of life, but it has decreased our quality of life. We can thank technology for allergies, asthma, cancer, depression, and weapons of mass destruction. We can also thank technology for global warming in which the United States in a major contributor–we are responsible for twenty percent of the world’s CO2 emittance. America’s obesity problem is partly due to technology--136 million Americans are overweight, and one third of all American children and teens are overweight. This is partly because we merely walk from our cars to our computers to the couch to watch television–a new study shows that children spend 6.5 hours a day using electronics. Consequently, we have no practical reason for our body; it does not directly relate to our survival anymore. In addition, we have made no moral progress toward defining new technologies. Our debates over technologies that abort babies, deliver nuclear bombs, and clone humans are endless, yet we continue to build these machines.
The Way We Think
Americans need to change the way they think. We need to change the way we think about happiness. We are socialized by corporations to believe we need expensive name brand products, lots of technology, and a large economy to be happy. Therefore, we join the rat-race to make as much money as possible, thinking we are in the pursuit of happiness, but we are not. Rather than living moderately, we work, consume, waste, and spend money on popular culture and technology. We will do anything to live forever with computers, cell phones, stock options, a trim waistline, and the nicest car on the block. Americans view these things, not as wants and desires, but as necessities that ensure our survival.
We also need to rethink our views regarding democracy and freedom. We claim to spread Democracy to the Middle East and elsewhere, yet we do not even practice it here. Too many people are passive obedient, and very few people question authority or engage in political dissent. This is clear by the fact that more people vote for American Idol than they do for the President. Most people are locked in their homes watching mindless reality TV. Mean while, they claim to live in the most democratic nation in the world. This is hypocrisy not democracy.
The Way We Act
We need to change the way we act. We have the most violent and militaristic culture in the world, and we really seem to hate each other. We have the highest murder rate, most hand guns, and most violent crimes in the world. And people seem to be apathetic toward the poverty and suffering of others, choosing instead to profit from the poverty and war. We live in the richest country in the world, yet eighteen percent of American children are impoverished. All together, 37 million Americans live in poverty, 45 million Americans do not have healthcare, and 13 million hard-working Americans make $5.15 an hour, all while affluent people in the suburbs do little to help. Instead they blame the poor for society’s problems and seek authoritarian solutions.
To protect us from our militaristic culture, the government uses authoritarian methods to enforce millions of laws through martial law. The United States and Japan are the only two developed countries that use capital punishment, and America is home to 22% of the world’s prison population; yet America constitutes only 0.05% of the world’s total population. Unfortunately, the American people seem to support state sanctioned violence--strict rules, regulations, surveillance, and social control–as long as the large economy is maintained. Ultimately, people are complacent towards crime, violence, and poverty, as long as they are safe and secure in their homes; Americans would rather enjoy technology, a large economy, and security, rather then freedom.
The way we act is also destroying the world. Our corporations use cutthroat competition as an excuse to exploit other people and the environment. We keep impoverished countries poor forever through the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, free trade agreements, and our interventionist foreign policy bullies our economic and political agenda around the world; in short, our government preserves our large economy through multinational corporations, globalization, and military occupation. We spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined. We have enough Weapons of Mass Destruction to destroy the world five times, and there are thousands of U.S. military installations and personnel around the world. American hawks ignore peace treaties, break Geneva Convention rules, and dismiss the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by torturing others and engaging in state sponsored terrorism (see Guantanamo Bay and the School of Americas).
How will a Cultural Revolution Happen?
I do not advocate a violent revolution because I am a passivist, and I do not believe in war. I do, however, advocate a Cultural Revolution that would completely overthrow the American system. How will a Cultural Revolution happen? We first need to reform the institutions that create our values. There is a massive conservative infrastructure consisting of schools, corporations, churches, and the government that currently produce poor values:
1.) Schools - Schools teach our children that “all men are created equal” in their ability to consume and waste; that figures of authority never lie; and they discourage free thinking and critical thinking. Ultimately, schools are run like assembly lines, mass producing mindless clones for future generations. Sure, people value education, but for the wrong reasons. Many go to graduate school, not because they enjoy learning, but because they hope to increase their future spending power. The process of learning would be less painful if it was shifted away from financial goals toward learning goals. Maybe then we can start making some moral progress toward a better future.
2.) Corporations - Through commercials and advertisements, corporations socialize Americans to believe happiness is defined by wealth. They use fear to sell their products by saying we can not possibly be happy unless we have the newest gadget or the best cosmetics. So we spend our lives in pursuit of things we do not actually need. We have developed a culture based on corporate greed, rather than tradition and necessity.
Author Michael Parenti wrote, “A large part of our culture is now mass-marketed product, aptly designated as “mass culture,” “popular culture,” “media culture,”and even “mass-mediated culture.” This mass-media culture is owned and operated mostly by giant corporations whose major concerns are (a) to accumulate earnings and (b) to make the world safe for the overall corporate profit system. The result is a society organized around exchange value rather than use value, centralized social control rather the communal creativity.
He goes on to write, “Much of mass-marketed culture distracts us from thinking too much about the larger realities.” In other words, it is easier to be entertained than be informed; Americans are dumb and numb, because of sporting events, realty TV, sitcoms, celebrity news, media personalities, fads, and fashion styles. This culture is not a product of the free market either, corporations are not merely reacting to demand. Instead, it is based on the notion that supply creates demand.
3.) Churches - Churches and organized religion are responsible for keeping America conservative and unwilling to accept change even when our world is forever changing by new thinking and new technologies. Churches teach conformity, consensus, homophobia, xenophobia, and they use fear to teach us that every natural impulse in our body is wrong. They also teach about domestication and the domination of plants, animals, and people. And during elections, they allow politicians to divert what is really important to less important social issues, such as abortion, sexuality, and stem cell research.
4.) Government - The government’s role is to maintain what makes Americans happy: a large economy. The American government uses interventionist foreign policy, authoritarian solutions, surveillance, strict law enforcement, etc., to provide America with security and a steady flow of resources from abroad. The government also uses social control through propaganda, corporate media outlets, fear, schools, and churches to create blind obedience and nationalism, so it can carry out the goal of maintaining a large economy.
I do not mean to generalize all Americans as having these values because certainly not all Americas do. But by participating in society, one unwillingly participates in the above fore mentioned: corporate profit, exploitation of people and natural resources, the reliance of technology, work, debt spending, consumption, waste, popular culture, privilege acceptance, apathy, compliancy, conformity, hypocrisy, fear, rules, regulations, social control, xenophobia, homophobia, global military occupation, war, terrorism, global warming, authoritarianism, less freedom, less democracy, more crime, more laws, and more prisons. Not all Americans directly values these things, but these are the seen as “necessary evils” that bring us what we ultimately want: a large economy and lots of technology.
American culture is no longer based on values, tradition, and necessity; instead, it is based on monetary wealth. A Cultural Revolution would tear down the current definition of happiness and replace it with something much more sane. A Cultural Revolution would emphasize freedom, family, vacation, education, health, and participatory democracy. It would call for an end to the destruction of the environment, and people would value helping others who are less fortunate. Happiness would be non-monetary and nontaxable. It would be peacefully obtained.
Is there hope?
No. To illustrate this I will reflect on the small cultural revolution in the late 1960's and early 1970's. After years of failed protests and demonstrations against the American system, people took two different approaches: 1.) A few people embraced a cultural revolution and said, “Well, if we can’t change the world, we’ll change our world.” They redefined happiness, not as something with monetary value, but as something abstract. They changed their life styles and advocated environmental protection. History has been used as propaganda to lead us to believe that hippies only cared about sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll. This is hardly the case. They engaged in a cultural revolution that had political intentions. 2.) Others grew impatient with a slow change, so they moved toward radicalism and militancy by joining empowering movements that endorsed self-defense. They carried guns into courthouses and there were hundreds of riots.
However, most Americans saw political and cultural dissent as sinful, and the government was too powerful to let anything undermine its ability to rule. It responded to both of these movements with assassination, "dirty tricks”, censorship, and "extreme governmental misconduct" through CONINTELPRO. The government also suppressed movements through a drug war on crack cocaine in the 1980's. The cultural revolution did not bring change to the American way of life.
Have no doubt, we live in an even more repressive system today. The government can legally suppress grassroot movement with intimidation and surveillance through the Patriot Act, and it can discredit and smear movements with propaganda through its corporate media outlets. The government also has many means of social control through blind obedience and nationalism, created by the conservative infrastructure. Addicting television shows and numbing technologies are also tools of social control that keep people mindless, disorganized, and less willing to change their culture.
There is little hope a cultural revolution will happen any time soon. People are afraid of change and they will do anything to protect the status quo. The events on 9/11, for example, only created a massive backlash, causing Americans, not to change their life style, but to want more war to secure our privileged life style and more rules and regulations to keep us safe. Our solution was not to ask tough questions and change our life style; it was just the opposite. The President told us to keep shopping and consuming in order to maintain our large economy, and we went forward with more war and violence at home and around the world; more of the same reasons that got us here in the first place.
Forget it!
I am not a sociologist, but I do see that many problems in this country exist because of American culture. We could change our culture by simply redefining happiness. We should stop valuing monetary wealth and technology. Instead, we should appreciate family, vacation, leisure time, education, and democracy. We can pursue these values peacefully, without bringing suffering and poverty to others and without destroying the environment. Currently, America reminds me of Mordor from the Lord of the Rings, dark and deadly. If we lived more moderately we could turn America into the Shire, a place of peace and serenity. In order to do this, we have to model our culture after Hobbit Culture.
Hobbits dislike complex machines, they have little government, and they live moderately, in harmony with the earth. They take pleasure in simple, abundant things that are easily obtained--stories, coffee, books, shire weed, hot baths, beer, parties, and sunsets. They are a little fat, but that is from all their leisure time and enjoyment they find in life. They busy themselves with working around the house, gardening, and spending time with family. Hobbits are simple people who live in their small part of the world. They have no need for war or weapons of mass destruction, because they have no enemies. They do not work all day, and they do not profit from the suffering of others. Hobbits are happy people because they do not worship wealth, technology, and power. A life spent in the pursuit of these things will turn you into Gollum, slimy and lonely.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Stand Up
Here is a poem by an early supporter of Hitler who was eventually imprisoned in a concentration camp. It’s a nice little reminder of the social chaos that escalated during this period; something that otherwise might have been prevented if people would have stood up.
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
This was written by Martin Niemoeller, an early supporter of Hitler who was eventually imprisoned in a concentration camp.
If you are a person who realizes crimes are taking place today, stand up for what you believe in, because someday it might be too late.
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.
This was written by Martin Niemoeller, an early supporter of Hitler who was eventually imprisoned in a concentration camp.
If you are a person who realizes crimes are taking place today, stand up for what you believe in, because someday it might be too late.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Ronald Reagan
In Ronald Reagan’s 1985 State of the Union address he said , “We honor the giants of our history not by going back but forward to the dreams their vision foresaw.”
As we honor Ronald Reagan in his death we are honoring another “giant of our history.” Yet, I am not one to blindly accept anyone as just another figure in our past who helped engineer our wonderful country, without first reviewing some facts. A brief review of the history of our new War on Terror reminds us that much of our problems today are a direct result of twenty-five years of failed foreign policy, starting with the Reagan Administration.
Reagan's Cabinet: gave billions of dollars in aid and military support to Saddam Hussein when Iraq was actively using chemical weapons against its own people; armed and trained Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan; funded and trained terrorists in Central America; and ended the Iran-Contra scandal by secretly selling weapons to Iran. At the time, these things seemed “okay"; history claims these things helped win the Cold War. (Many believe it was more Soviet reform then anything.) Yes, the Cold War ended and millions of people gained freedom; however, the way it was done has given us our problems today. Not only did this administration break the law, but it provided arms and created alliances with terrorist networks, brutal dictators, and nations all over the world. The hypocrisy of supporting thugs to fight our wars for twenty-five years has caught up with us today.
Unfortunately, the same men who served under Reagan for eight years, also served under George Bush I, and they now serve George Bush II: Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, etc. These men and women are opportunists with no moral convictions. They find quick military solutions for the moment, and in the process they recklessly disregard cultures, traditions, religions, and governments of other countries involved, ultimately creating even bigger and more global consequences for the future. Twenty-five years of failed foreign policy has given us new problems involving the same names today: Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden.
In addition to foreign policy, “Reaganomics” is a complete failure. It first promises tax cuts, which in theory will increase investment and spending, thus generating more taxes; and secondly, government spending is cut, which is supposed to balance budgets. This sounds great in theory; however, this is not what happens, as we are again seeing with G. W. Bush’s economic plan. First, tax cuts do not benefit the middle class or the poor, rather they help only Fortune 500 companies and the richest 1 percent of Americans. This is evident by the fact that the top 1 percent of Americans have increased their wealth by 50 percent, while the middle class and poor Americans have lost billions of dollars in wealth, and CEO wages are astronomically high. Second, a decrease in government spending is codeword for a decrease in welfare programs, entitlements, and affordable housing for the poor, and it is not a decrease in the already colossal military budget. In only eight years the Reagan Administration spent $2.5 trillion on the military, which is more then all the money spent since the end of World War II. As a result of Reaganomics the national debt tripled, and the distribution of wealth between the rich and poor worsened.
Indeed, Ronald Reagan is a “giant of our history”; history has already treated him very, very well. However, as much respect as he has gotten since his death, I caution you in how you view his Presidency given our problems today.
As we honor Ronald Reagan in his death we are honoring another “giant of our history.” Yet, I am not one to blindly accept anyone as just another figure in our past who helped engineer our wonderful country, without first reviewing some facts. A brief review of the history of our new War on Terror reminds us that much of our problems today are a direct result of twenty-five years of failed foreign policy, starting with the Reagan Administration.
Reagan's Cabinet: gave billions of dollars in aid and military support to Saddam Hussein when Iraq was actively using chemical weapons against its own people; armed and trained Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan; funded and trained terrorists in Central America; and ended the Iran-Contra scandal by secretly selling weapons to Iran. At the time, these things seemed “okay"; history claims these things helped win the Cold War. (Many believe it was more Soviet reform then anything.) Yes, the Cold War ended and millions of people gained freedom; however, the way it was done has given us our problems today. Not only did this administration break the law, but it provided arms and created alliances with terrorist networks, brutal dictators, and nations all over the world. The hypocrisy of supporting thugs to fight our wars for twenty-five years has caught up with us today.
Unfortunately, the same men who served under Reagan for eight years, also served under George Bush I, and they now serve George Bush II: Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, etc. These men and women are opportunists with no moral convictions. They find quick military solutions for the moment, and in the process they recklessly disregard cultures, traditions, religions, and governments of other countries involved, ultimately creating even bigger and more global consequences for the future. Twenty-five years of failed foreign policy has given us new problems involving the same names today: Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Osama bin Laden.
In addition to foreign policy, “Reaganomics” is a complete failure. It first promises tax cuts, which in theory will increase investment and spending, thus generating more taxes; and secondly, government spending is cut, which is supposed to balance budgets. This sounds great in theory; however, this is not what happens, as we are again seeing with G. W. Bush’s economic plan. First, tax cuts do not benefit the middle class or the poor, rather they help only Fortune 500 companies and the richest 1 percent of Americans. This is evident by the fact that the top 1 percent of Americans have increased their wealth by 50 percent, while the middle class and poor Americans have lost billions of dollars in wealth, and CEO wages are astronomically high. Second, a decrease in government spending is codeword for a decrease in welfare programs, entitlements, and affordable housing for the poor, and it is not a decrease in the already colossal military budget. In only eight years the Reagan Administration spent $2.5 trillion on the military, which is more then all the money spent since the end of World War II. As a result of Reaganomics the national debt tripled, and the distribution of wealth between the rich and poor worsened.
Indeed, Ronald Reagan is a “giant of our history”; history has already treated him very, very well. However, as much respect as he has gotten since his death, I caution you in how you view his Presidency given our problems today.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
This is what Democracy looks like!
On January 27th I attended yet another march for peace and justice. I would say it was a was a huge success; the antiwar movement is very successful and it continues to gain momentum, especially considering the increased number of young people during this rally. United for Peace and Justice estimates 500,000 people marched this weekend, enough to completely surround the Capitol building. I would have to agree.

People seem to be more energized this year. This includes speakers Tim Robbins, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, Ann Wright, etc. They all seems to be a bit more enthusiastic than the speakers in the 2005 rally. In addition, I definitely sensed a little anger, or a least more intensity, by the masses of people marching for peace and justice.

It is nice to see that the American people are coming to their senses. This is evident by this past election, the growing antiwar movement, and current polls. The rallies, boycotts, petitions, letter writing, and marches are working.
“Violence and occupation do not bring liberation! That’s bullshit, get off it! This war is for profit!”
It is a shame when George Bush said he is the “decider." The people clearly voted for change and the polls prove that America is ready for something new. Yet he continues to take America down the same path of failure; more of the same that got us here in the first place. He is sending over 20,000 more troops to Iraq and he continues hawkish rhetoric toward Iran. Bush is a the liar, not the decider.
Bush’s troop surge of over 20,000 more troops to Iraq is against the advice of his own generals, Congressmen from both sides of the aisle, the Iraq Study Group, and most importantly the people. He is putting the surge in Insurgency. He sends troops to the Middle East without hesitating, but when it came to helping Katrina victims he delayed five days, and instead talked about states' rights.

People seem to be more energized this year. This includes speakers Tim Robbins, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, Ann Wright, etc. They all seems to be a bit more enthusiastic than the speakers in the 2005 rally. In addition, I definitely sensed a little anger, or a least more intensity, by the masses of people marching for peace and justice.

It is nice to see that the American people are coming to their senses. This is evident by this past election, the growing antiwar movement, and current polls. The rallies, boycotts, petitions, letter writing, and marches are working.

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