On January 27th I attended yet another march for peace and justice. I would say it was a was a huge success; the antiwar movement is very successful and it continues to gain momentum, especially considering the increased number of young people during this rally. United for Peace and Justice estimates 500,000 people marched this weekend, enough to completely surround the Capitol building. I would have to agree.

People seem to be more energized this year. This includes speakers Tim Robbins, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, Ann Wright, etc. They all seems to be a bit more enthusiastic than the speakers in the 2005 rally. In addition, I definitely sensed a little anger, or a least more intensity, by the masses of people marching for peace and justice.

It is nice to see that the American people are coming to their senses. This is evident by this past election, the growing antiwar movement, and current polls. The rallies, boycotts, petitions, letter writing, and marches are working.
“Violence and occupation do not bring liberation! That’s bullshit, get off it! This war is for profit!”
It is a shame when George Bush said he is the “decider." The people clearly voted for change and the polls prove that America is ready for something new. Yet he continues to take America down the same path of failure; more of the same that got us here in the first place. He is sending over 20,000 more troops to Iraq and he continues hawkish rhetoric toward Iran. Bush is a the liar, not the decider.

Bush’s troop surge of over 20,000 more troops to Iraq is against the advice of his own generals, Congressmen from both sides of the aisle, the Iraq Study Group, and most importantly the people. He is putting the surge in Insurgency. He sends troops to the Middle East without hesitating, but when it came to helping Katrina victims he delayed five days, and instead talked about states' rights.